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October 25, 2019


Funmi Iyanda is a popular name among Nigerians, especially in the media and human rights space. From her days as a prominent TV host in the 90s to her current role as a leading social activist in Africa, Funmi Iyanda’s life is nothing short of inspiring. She has used her platform to amplify the voices of marginalized groups, promote social justice, and fight against inequality in Nigeria. In this article, we will be taking a storytelling approach to uncover the inspiring story of Funmi Iyanda.

Section 1: Early Life

Funmi Iyanda was born on July 27, 1971, in Lagos, Nigeria. She had a challenging childhood, growing up in a conservative and patriarchal society. However, she was blessed with a supportive family who encouraged her to explore her passion for writing and storytelling. Funmi Iyanda attended the University of Lagos, where she studied Geography and Regional Planning. During her time at the university, she joined a drama group and became passionate about the arts.

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Section 2: Early Career

After graduation, Funmi Iyanda began her career as a presenter with the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA). She quickly rose to prominence, hosting several shows, including “New Dawn” and “Nigeria’s Triple Heritage.” She was known for her passion for social issues, using her platform to discuss topics such as child labor, gender inequality, and human rights abuses. Her show “Inside Out” was especially popular, where she interviewed high-profile individuals on various social issues.

Section 3: Journey to becoming a Social Activist

Funmi Iyanda’s journalism career had a significant impact on her life, leading her to become a social activist. She saw firsthand the inequality and injustice in Nigeria, and she felt compelled to do something about it. She started by partnering with various non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and advocacy groups, where she used her platform to raise awareness about social issues. Her work with the Amnesty International Nigeria in 2017 on maternal deaths and activism against the notorious SARS unit of the Nigerian Police brought more impetus to her social activism.

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Section 4: Activism for Women’s Rights

Funmi Iyanda is an advocate for women’s rights, and she has used her platform to raise awareness and fight against gender inequality in Nigeria. She is the founder of Change-A-Life, an NGO committed to empowering girls and women in Nigeria. In 2019, she launched the “Ask For 8” campaign, which aims to increase the number of women in positions of power in Nigeria.

Section 5: Advocacy for Mental Health Awareness

Funmi Iyanda is passionate about mental health and has been a prominent voice in advocating for mental health awareness in Nigeria. She is the founder of Ignite Africa, an organization that provides support for people living with mental health challenges. In 2017, she hosted a documentary on depression titled “Walking with Shadows,” which received critical acclaim and helped raise awareness about mental health.

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Section 6: Journey to becoming a Filmmaker

Funmi Iyanda’s passion for storytelling led her to venture into filmmaking. In 2012, she produced her first feature film, “Legacy of Rubies,” which was well-received by critics and audiences alike. She has since produced other films such as “Lukin So,” “Mothers and Daughters,” and “No Shading.”

Section 7: Funmi Iyanda’s Awards and Recognition

Funmi Iyanda has received several awards and recognition for her work as a journalist, social activist, and filmmaker. In 2011, she won the “Best Female Achiever” award at the African Film Awards. She was also named a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in 2013. In 2018, she was awarded Best Documentary (Movie/TV Series) at the Africa Magic Viewer’s Choice Awards for “One Question.”

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Section 8: Funmi Iyanda’s Legacy

Funmi Iyanda has left an indelible mark on Nigeria and Africa. Through her journalism, social activism, and filmmaking, she has inspired a new generation of young Nigerians to become agents of change. Her work has touched the lives of many, and she continues to inspire others with her ideas and vision.


1) Who is Funmi Iyanda?
Funmi Iyanda is a Nigerian journalist, social activist, and filmmaker who is known for her work in promoting social justice and equality in Nigeria and Africa.

2) What was Funmi Iyanda’s early career?
Funmi Iyanda began her career as a presenter with the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA), where she worked on several shows, including “New Dawn” and “Nigeria’s Triple Heritage.”

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3) What is Funmi Iyanda passionate about?
Funmi Iyanda is passionate about human rights, social justice, women’s rights, mental health, and filmmaking.

4) What is the name of Funmi Iyanda’s NGO?
Funmi Iyanda is the founder of Change-A-Life, an NGO committed to empowering girls and women in Nigeria.

5) What is the “Ask For 8” campaign?
The “Ask For 8” campaign is an initiative launched by Funmi Iyanda in 2019, which aims to increase the number of women in positions of power in Nigeria.

6) What is Ignite Africa?
Ignite Africa is an organization founded by Funmi Iyanda, which provides support for people living with mental health challenges.

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7) What has Funmi Iyanda won awards for?
Funmi Iyanda has won several awards for her work as a journalist, social activist, and filmmaker, including the “Best Female Achiever” award at the African Film Awards, the Young Global Leader award, and Best Documentary (Movie/TV Series) at the Africa Magic Viewer’s Choice Awards.


The inspiring story of Funmi Iyanda is a testament to the power of passion, perseverance, and hard work. From her early days as a presenter to her current role as a leading social activist and filmmaker, Funmi Iyanda has used her platform to champion social justice causes and inspire a new generation of young Nigerians. Her legacy will continue to inspire others for generations to come. Join the movement and become an active participant in creating a better world.

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